Lot n° 47

HERGE (REMI Georges, dit) (1907-1983)
Lettre dactylographiée signée adressée à Alan LICHTER Bruxelles, 19 septembre 1974, 1 page in-4 sur papier à entête des Studio Hergé, en anglais.
Hergé répond à un professeur et lui envoie...

Estimation : 400 - 600
Adjudication : Invendu
quelques dessins en lui confiant qu'avant de trouver le dessin parfait, une longue recherche est nécessaire. «Dear Mr. Lichter, I just come back from a short holiday in France and I find your good letter. First of all, thank you very much for your kind opinion about my work:
I'm grateful for what you're doing to make your pupils share it. Of course, I'll be happy to get from time to time news from you and to follow, from far away, the progresses of your course. Under separate cover, I send you some sketches (aren't they called «roughs»?): they show that, under the apparent coolness of the finished drawings, there is a long research for the right line. And I add some documentation.
Cordially. Hergé».
Traduction: «Monsieur Lichter, Je reviens tout juste d'un court séjour en France et je trouve votre bonne lettre. Tout d'abord, je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre aimable avis concernant mon travail: je suis reconnaissant pour ce que vous faites et pour le faire partager à vos élèves. Bien sûr, je serai heureux d'avoir de temps en temps de nouvelles de vous et de suivre, de loin, les progrès de votre cours.
Sous pli séparé, je vous envoie quelques croquis (sont-ils pas appelés «roughs» ?):
Ils montrent que, dans la fraîcheur apparente des dessins finis, il y a une longue recherche pour la ligne parfaite. Et j'ajoute un peu de documentation. Cordialement».
En 1974, Hergé commence à préparer un nouvel album des Aventures de Tintin. En 1976 paraitra Tintin et les Picaros (dernier album achevé par Hergé lui-même).
Signed typewritten letter addressed to Alan LICHTER Brussels, September 19, 1974, 1 page in-4 on Studio Hergé letterhead, in English.
Hergé replies to a professor and sends him a few drawings, confiding to him that before finding the perfect drawing, a long research is necessary. "Dear Mr. Lichter, I just come back from a short holiday in France and I find your good letter. First of all, thank you very much for your kind opinion about my work:
I'm grateful for what you're doing to make your pupils share it. Of course, I'll be happy to get from time to time news from you and to follow, from far away, the progresses of your course. Under separate cover, I send you some sketches (aren't they called "roughs"?): they show that, under the apparent coolness of the finished drawings, there is a long research for the right line. And I add some documentation.
Cordially. Hergé".
Translation: "Mr. Lichter, I have just returned from a short stay in France and I find your good letter. First of all, thank you very much for your kind opinion about my work: I am grateful for what you do and for sharing it with your students. Of course, I will be happy to hear from you from time to time and to follow, from afar, the progress of your course.
Under separate cover, I am sending you some sketches (aren't they called "roughs"?):
They show that in the apparent freshness of the finished drawings, there is a long search for the perfect line. And I add some documentation. Yours sincerely".
In 1974, Hergé starts to prepare a new album of Les Aventures de Tintin. In 1976 Tintin and the Picaros will be released (last album completed by Hergé himself).